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a small Elixir web-framework

  defmodule Users do  
    use Charlotte.Handlers.HTTP  

    def routes do
        {"/users", :index},
        {"/user/:id", :show}

    def users(_verb, _params, conn) do
      users = UserFinder.all

      render [users: users], conn

Charlotte is

A web-framework written entirely in Elixir.

Charlotte is similar to Sinatra in that it aims to be small and stay out of your way.

Charlotte is similar to Rails in that it tries to take care of tedium for you.

Charlotte is not

Charlotte is not like a majority of other frameworks. It aims to be as modular as possible. In the future this will include handling multiple protocols in the same application, everything from Websocket and SPDY to HTTP 2.0.

Charlotte is not like Rails in that it does not come with a persistence library.

Charlotte is not yet mature enough for production. It is a definite work in progress.

Quick and Dirty

In order to get started with Charlotte you need to add it as a dependency.

  {:charlotte, '~> 0.3.0'}

After installing Charlotte you can start using it in your application.

In order for Charlotte to listen and handle requests it needs to be started. This would usually be done in the start function for your application. Charlotte doesn't require any special arguments to start however it does expect a bit of configuration. This can either be set in the environment or it can be passed to Charlotte.start/2.

The following values need to be set before starting Charlotte or given as an argument to Charlotte.start/2.


Each controller in Charlotte is a single Elixir module. The controller consists of a Charlotte.Handler, route definitions and functions representing actions.

The handler defines the callbacks necessary for Cowboy to use your module as a protocol handler. Cowboy supports several protocols and eventually Charlotte will too but for now we only support HTTP 1.1.

  use Charlotte.Handlers.HTTP

Each controller defines the routes it is responsible for directly in the controller module. Routes are defined in the form of a list of {path, action} tuples where the path is given as a string and the action is an atom.

  def routes do
      {"/", :root},
      {"/one", :level_one}

The handler will handle looking up the action based on the path and calling the proper function in your controller module.

Every action accepts three arguments: the HTTP verb, request parameters and a connection record.

  def level_one(_verb, _params, conn) do
    render [level: "one"], conn

In the above example the render function causes Charlotte to render the level_one.eex file located in the CHARLOTTE_VIEW_PATH for the controller module ($CHARLOTTE_VIEW_PATH/<CONTROLLER_NAME>/level_one.eex).


Currently Charlotte only supports EEx for it's templating, however there are plans to add Haml in the near future.

All views live in the directories in the CHARLOTTE_VIEW_PATH location. Views are expected to be EEx templates and should be named the same as the controller action that renders them.

  <p>This is the level_one view</p>

  <p>The level is <%= @level %></p>


Last but not least, assets. Assets can be served by Charlotte just like anything else. Assets are mapped to /assets/[...], that is a catch-all route that will match any path starting with /assets/. Cowboy should be smart enough to determine the file type and respond appropriately.